Tuesday, February 7, 2012

More Notes

As I've mentioned once before, I've started taking notes at church more illustratively....because I seem to fall asleep otherwise. It challenges me to pay attention AND and compose images on the go. There is no thumbnailing or reference to look at. I've started doing this note taking method with my scripture study too. Its a lot more fun to look over past entries, that's for sure. I encourage ya'll to try it in your classes or study! I've found my recall is better when I've drawn an image to associate with concepts. If you send me your notes, I'll post 'em here on my blog too!


Unknown said...

These are great! I love your notes. Keep them coming!

I write notes and pictures in church sometimes too, but they aren't quite this lovely. And I don't think they'd make sense to someone else.

Mike Grace said...

Awesome!!!! I should practice so I can become as awesome as you : )

Cassie said...

Thank you! And the important thing is they make sense to you! I wish I had done this in college. It would have made those early morning classes a little more....awake.

About Me

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I am an illustrator, bookbinder, painter, doodler, list-maker, and wife. I love food. I am what can be categorized as a dabbler. I love trying new things, but I always come back around to art and illustration. I just can't help it.