My former teacher, Victoria Simpson, mentioned on Facebook that she'd become a certified teacher of "Zentangle." Since she doesn't post often, I decided to give it a click. Suddenly 45 minutes passed. I really like the idea of a purposeful doodle. Doodles that can be art-worthy. There are some rules, which I least some of them.
1. Start with NICE 3 1/2 inch by 3 1/2 inch paper.
2. Draw four dots in the corners and loosely connect them (you can do this in pencil)
3. Draw a string aka a random line in the square.
4. Start drawing in INK! no back-sies or erasers.
I've never felt very confindent creating abstracted patterns, but this has been fun and I'm learning too. This is a low pressure way for me to practice design and art principles like value or balance. You could use these little squares to relax or warm up before tackling an art project. Here is a link to their web page: