Sunday, January 13, 2013

Holy Germs, Batman!

Who knew church could be such a dangerous place!? I'm 39 weeks pregnant (basically ready to pop at any moment) and I would really like to not to be fighting the flu or a cold while trying to push a baby out. So I was sent home early. Husbands can be protective that way. 


My darling husband Mike has encouraged me to revive my journal comics. He loves them so much. He gets so excited about it, that his enthusiasm has rubbed off on me. I've not been posting or creating all that much art lately... as you may or may not have noticed. I've been struggling with finding purpose and direction. I hope I figure it out this year. If nothing else, I hope these comics help me keep my drawing and storytelling skills alive. 

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About Me

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I am an illustrator, bookbinder, painter, doodler, list-maker, and wife. I love food. I am what can be categorized as a dabbler. I love trying new things, but I always come back around to art and illustration. I just can't help it.