Sunday, September 11, 2011

Taking Notes

My Darling Husband is always finding cool and interesting things on the internet and then sends me links to 'em. One in  particular inspired me to change the way I take notes.  Its The basic principle is to take notes visual rather than a list of bullet points. Since I'm not going to seminars most of my notes are from reading the bible and going to church. Occasionally I'll take 
notes from an inspiring Ted Talk. (If you haven't heard of it, you should its awesome!! The cool thing is that it makes my notes more interesting and more memorable.... aaaaaand it keeps me awake at church. I wish I had done this in college.  


Orendia said...

Love the notes! Inspires me to liven mine up a bit! Do you find you remember the lessons etc better/faster?

Mike Grace said...

I love these a ton! Keep it up!

what_up_pham said...

I just randomly came upon your blog. Good work!

About Me

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I am an illustrator, bookbinder, painter, doodler, list-maker, and wife. I love food. I am what can be categorized as a dabbler. I love trying new things, but I always come back around to art and illustration. I just can't help it.